The KnowledgeWhat a Test means Few things you need to know about testing :) more 2267 views TAGS: introduction to modeling, modeling, test, testing, photographer, , 12 Sep 2015
The KnowledgePolaroids What is a polaroid and how you can use it to get signed by an agency ! more 5893 views TAGS: getting signed, introduction to modeling, polaroids, model, 17 Jul 2015
The KnowledgeClient Client - all you need to know about modeling more 1957 views TAGS: introduction to modeling, client, 12 Mar 2015
The KnowledgeBooker Booker - all you need to know about modeling more 2267 views TAGS: introduction to modeling, booker, concerns, agency, jobs, 28 Jan 2015
The KnowledgeIntroduction to modeling Introduction to modeling - Agency - all you need to know about being and becoming a model more 3268 views TAGS: Agency, model, mother agency, fashion, modeling, 14 Jan 2015
The StoriesLet me introduce myself Let me introduce myself ...The journal more 2365 views TAGS: Iulia cirstea, the journal, the objects, style icons, the stories, the looks, model, 29 Nov 2014