The Knowledge
Introduction to modeling


When I first started modeling I had absolutely no knowledge about the industry. Along the way you learn things ... but in order to get yourself in the game you first have to know some of it's basic vocabulary. This category is dedicated to those who aspire to become models... 

 The knowledge - introduction to modeling 

 Here we go...the words of the day are : agency and mother agency.

Agency : company that represents models within the fashion industry. These agencies will help you build a portofolio and get test shoots.They are also responsible to help the models find work by presenting them to the designers,photographers,and ad agencies. The agencies are fully responsible with handeling details like,booking jobs,billing for the jobs, and paying the models for their work. 

From my experience the best fashion modeling markets are in Paris,Milan,London, and New York. You can have different agencies in different countries. ( of course only if they like you too 😉)

Some girls have a mother agency. That is usually the agency who discovered them,it could be in Bucharest,Prague, big cities,small cities, country get the point.

Mother agency : the main agency that keeps track of all your charts,your jobs from all the other different job locations.Depending on your look ( every designer has a certain image that goes along with their line ) they will present you to other agencies.

Every agency has a certain procentage of comission. This can be negotiated according to your status.

Ok I think that's enough information for today !



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Iulia Cirstea

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